Houston assault defense attorney

Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer.

Assault Defense Attorney in Houston

In Texas, the following actions qualify as assault:

  • Causing bodily injury to someone either intentionally or recklessly
  • Causing fear by threatening someone
  • Contacting another person in an offensive or provocative way

The penalties for these are life-changing, and Jimmy Ortiz is a Houston assault lawyer with the knowledge and experience that can help reduce or dismiss your charges.

Assault Charges in Texas

There are several escalating types of assault in Texas:

  • Simple Assault: Does not result in bodily harm or injury
  • Aggravated Assault: Results in severe physical injury
  • Assault With a Deadly Weapon: Involves using or showing a weapon capable of causing death or serious bodily injury
  • Assault Against a Public Servant: Encompasses any assault against law enforcement, jurors, government officials, and other public officials

The consequences for these actions range from fines to jail time to capital punishment.

Misdemeanor Assault Charges

Misdemeanors are less severe charges divided into three classes:

  • Class C: These misdemeanors generally involve offensive or provocative physical contact that does not cause bodily injury.
  • Class B: This includes threatening someone with imminent bodily injury or any physical contact that one deems provocative or offensive.
  • Class A: These charges mainly result from causing bodily injury to another and include reckless conduct, making terrorist threats against a public servant, or threatening a family or household member with violence.

Class C misdemeanor assaults can result in fines up to $500. A Class B charge may lead to jail time up to 180 days and fines up to $2,000. Lastly, a Class C misdemeanor assault could put you in jail for up to one year and fine you up to $4,000.

Felony Assault Charges

Depending on the severity of the assault, the victims’ status, and other circumstances (including aggravated assault or prior convictions) can result in felony charges:

  • Third-Degree: These are usually assaults with aggravating factors that do not result in bodily injury, such as assaults against a family member or public servant. They carry fines up to $10,000 and two to 10 years in state prison.
  • Second-Degree: These charges are for less severe actions that still result in serious injury or situations such as strangulation. The penalties include fines up to $10,000 and two to 20 years in state prison.
  • First-Degree: This highest level of felony assault involves very serious injuries or circumstances that include the use or exhibition of a deadly weapon. These can result in fines up to $10,000 and five to 99 years to life in prison.

Certain felonies, such as assaulting emergency response personnel while they are performing their duties, can result in the death penalty. If you receive any type of assault charge, a Houston aggravated assault attorney can help minimize any penalties resulting from a conviction.

Partner With an Assault Defense Attorney in Houston

Assault charges can be very serious and impact your freedom and your rights, and a Houston assault lawyer can work to protect you. Call today, and I will help you understand the nature of your charges and start building a defense.

Contact Jimmy for more information
or call today at 713-759-1800

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