Houston theft crime attorney

Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer.

Houston Theft Defense Lawyer

Regardless of the degree of the crime alleged, the charge of theft carries serious penalties, including fines, incarceration, and a permanent criminal record. Even shoplifting—sometimes considered to be a “minor” crime—has major and lasting consequences. If you have been charged with larceny or other theft, it is important to understand your rights and to retain an attorney who will consider the circumstances of your case in order to mount the best possible defense.

Theft and other property crimes bear penalties such as incarceration, fines, restitution, and a permanent criminal record. In addition, a theft conviction may prevent you from working in certain careers or obtaining professional licenses. There is no such thing as a minor theft conviction.

Property Crime Allegations

If you are alleged to have taken or received goods or services unlawfully, I can provide you with sound legal advice and help you fight these charges. Examples of theft include:

  • Acquisition of Property by Threat
  • Extortion
  • Larceny
  • Burglary
  • Receiving of Concealing Embezzled Property
  • Receiving or Concealing Stolen Property
  • Swindling
  • Swindling by Worthless Check
  • Theft
  • Theft by False Pretext

Begin Your Legal Defense Against Theft & Property Crime Charges Today

Do not ignore accusations or charges of theft. The consequences of a theft conviction may have a significant impact on your life. Trust me to offer the best defense against these charges as soon as possible.

Read more about what experience and knowledge I will offer as your Houston criminal attorney.

Contact Jimmy for more information
or call today at 713-759-1800

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