- Houston Criminal Defense LawyerIf you have been charged with a crime, you need strong legal representation from Jimmy Ortiz, an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Houston.
- Houston Criminal Attorney Profile: Jimmy Ortiz
- Houston Defense Attorney Practice Areastest
- DWI Defense Attorney HoustonJimmy J Ortiz is a DWI Defense Attorney available for you in Houston, TX for the past 26 years!
- DUI Defense Attorney Houston, TX
- Houston Drug Crime Defense Attorney & Drug Possession Lawyer
- Federal Crime Defense AttorneyFor over a decade, Jimmy Ortiz has successfully defended federal criminal cases specializing in white-collar, drug trafficking and immigration offenses.
- Houston Murder Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz is an accredited murder defense attorney serving the Houston area. He has experience with manslaughter, homicide, and more. Call or click today!
- Sex Crime Defense AttorneyAs prosecutor and defense attorney, Jimmy Ortiz has acquired vast experience working on sexual assault cases and can provide the best legal representation.
- Assault Defense Attorney in HoustonFacing assault charges in Houston? Attorney Jimmy Ortiz defends against simple, aggravated, and felony assault charges to protect your rights & freedom. Contact us today!
- Domestic Violence Attorney in Houston TexasArrested for domestic violence in Houston? Attorney Jimmy Ortiz can defend against false accusations, fight protective orders, and protect your future. Contact us today!
- Houston, TX Robbery and Theft AttorneyJimmy Ortiz offers the best legal representation in robbery cases based on many years of experience.
- Houston Fraud Defense LawyerJimmy Ortiz has 26 years experience successfully defending fraud cases. Contact Jimmy today to learn how he can help you!
- Houston, TX White Collar Crime AttorneyContact Jimmy Ortiz Law today if you are under investigation or have been accused or convicted of a white collar crime.
- Houston Theft Defense LawyerWith vast experience working with Law in Texas and Harris County courts, Jimmy Ortiz is best placed to help defend your case against charges of theft.
- Weapons Charges Defense Lawyer Houston Jimmy Ortiz uses his extensive knowledge of weapons law in Texas to ensure the best possible case for defense against weapons charges.
- Houston Internet Crime AttorneyWith Ppenalties for cyber crimes ranging from fines to imprisonment, Jimmy Ortiz has the expertise to best fight your case.
- Texas Criminal Defense Attorney
- Juvenile Defense Attorney
- Houston Immigration Lawyer
- Legal News
- Greater Houston Area Criminal Defense LawyerJimmy Ortiz proudly defends clients for a wide range of charges such as theft and assault throughout the greater Houston area. Contact Jimmy today to get started.
- Senators hear reasons to close loophole
- ICE overhaul falls short, critics claimImmigration and Customs Enforcement's revised national detention standards aim to address vexing.
- Man convicted of murder in Angels pitcher's A jury convicted a drunken driver of murder Monday in the deaths of promising rookie Los Angeles Angels pitcher Nick Adenhart and two other people.
- Houston-Area Couple Charged for Condominium Loan ScamThe verdict came back with seven years and a $16 million reparation for a Houston-area man for his condominium loan scam.
- Falkenberg: Is justice system in U.S. truly colorblind?Ohio State law professor Michelle Alexander's best-selling book addresses the criminal label that occurs when the term 'felon' is applied to an individual.
- Toy Guns Confiscated in Mexico CityThousands of toy guns were confiscated and destroyed in Mexico City in a government effort to eliminate real crimes.
- Houston Suing BP for Lost Sales TaxThe City of Houston has decided to sue BP for lost sales tax to the amount of $23 million dollars. This has been confirmed by City Attorney David Feldman
- Texas Prison Population ShrinkingThe Texas prison population is at its lowest point in five years. The numbers in Texas' 111 state prisons has decreased.
- Texas Gun Shop Owners Indicted
- Contact Jimmy Ortiz, Attorney at Law
Contact Jimmy for more information
or call today at 713-759-1800